by Annie Haggar | May 20, 2024 | Opinion
The ASD Cyber Threat Report (2022-2023) found that financial services firms are currently the 6th most targeted industry group for cyberattacks in Australia. But why? Accounting and financial services firms hold an enormous amount of valuable financial data and...
by Annie Haggar | Feb 14, 2024 | Opinion
In 2023 everyone wanted to be an influencer. In 2024 everyone wants to be a cybersecurity services provider – specifically a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP). But it’s a booming business area that can land you in a world of lawsuits if not structured and...
by Annie Haggar | Nov 24, 2023 | Cyber for lawyers, Cyber for Practitioners, Opinion
The Cybersecurity Strategy 2023-2030 (the Strategy) is Australia’s blueprint for cyber-safety by 2030, with three horizons to get there. The Action Plan for the first horizon (2023-2025) sets the foundations for the rest of the strategy to follow, and...
by Annie Haggar | Sep 14, 2023 | Opinion
It’s hard to believe that there have only been 36 cyber security attacks reported against ASX-listed companies in the last decade, although it’s suspected that many breaches go unreported. But what’s harder to believe is that of these 36 reported, only 11 properly...
by Annie Haggar | Sep 1, 2023 | Opinion
In the past, failure to report a cyber breach prior to telling the media might have been treated as more of an “oops” moment and a slap on the wrist from the regulators, but not anymore, writes Annie Haggar. It’s hard to believe that there have only been 36 cyber...
by Annie Haggar | Sep 21, 2022 | Opinion
Last week’s cyber attack on a law firm representing Uber is a reminder that law firms are very much part of the “supply chain” that can be used to attack a target business, writes Annie Haggar. Law firms don’t normally think about themselves as part of a business’s...